Philips BX680U
Philips BX680U is an a.c/d.c mains valve radio, which was made about 1948/49.
It was made for 220 volt a.c mains operation. It has long, medium and short
wave band tuning.
The valves used in this receiver are as follows:-
UCH21, UF21, UF21, UBL21, UM4, UY1N
It has two scale lamps, and also has a top mounted tuning scale, which is
not really a good idea as it is vulnerable to breakage, or overzealous cleaning
of the glass, which could result in wiping out the stenciling.
One of the control knobs (all these are side mounted) is of the wrong type
on my receiver, the wave band control knob should be of the grub screw fitting,
not push on type.